I have found many scriptures in the Bible, but the most difficult question for me was: Is the Rapture before or after the Tribulation with the last Antichrist (666) and at last I found it in:

Chapter 23 from the book of Baxter about Hell

The Return of Christ

I saw the coming of the Lord. I heard His call like the sound of a trumpet and the voice of an archangel. And the whole earth shook, and out of the graves came the righteous dead to meet their Lord in the air. For hours it seemed, I heard the horns blow, and the earth and the sea gave up their dead. The Lord Jesus Christ stood atop the clouds in vestments of fire and beheld the glorious scene.

The Rapture: (Bringing the redeemed to the wedding-supper of the Lamb)

I heard the sound of trumpets again. As I watched, those who were alive and remained on the earth ascended to meet them. I saw the redeemed as millions of points of light converging on a gathering place in the sky. There the angels gave them robes of purest white. There was great rejoicing.

It was given to the angels to keep order, and they seemed to be everywhere and giving special attention to the risen ones. A new body was given to the redeemed, and they were transformed as they passed through the air.
Great joy and happiness filled the heavens, and the angels sang, "Glory to the King of Kings!"

High in the heavens I beheld a large spiritual body - it was the body of Christ. And the body was lying on its back on a bed, and blood dripped to the earth. I knew that this was the slain body of our Lord. And then the body grew larger and larger until it filled the heavens. And going into and out of it were the millions of the redeemed.

I watched in astonishment as millions climbed up stairs to the body and filled it, beginning with the feet and continuing through the legs, the arms, the stomach, the heart and the head. And when it was full, I saw that it was filled with men and women from every nation, people and tongue on the earth. And with a mighty voice they praised the Lord.

Millions were seated before a throne, and I saw angels as they brought the books from which judgment was read. There was the mercy seat, and rewards were given to many.

Daniel 12
1. Til den Tid skal Mikael stå frem, den store fyrste, som værner dit folks sønner, og en Trængselstid kommer, som hidtil ikke har haft sin Mage, så længe der var folkeslag til. Men på den Tid skal dit folk frelses, alle, der er optegnet i Bogen.
2. Og mange af dem, der sover under Mulde, skal vågne, nogle til evigt Liv, andre til Skam, til evig afsky.
3. De forstandige skal stråle som himmelhvælvingens Glans, og de, der førte de mange til Retfærdighed, skal lyse som Stjerner evigt og altid.

The day of evil begins when:

Revelation 11:3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
11:7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.
Esajas 5: 30. Men på hin dag skal der bryde en Brummen løs imod det, som når Havet brummer; og skuer det ud over jorden, se, da er der Trængselsmørke, lyset slukkes af tykke Skyer.

Matthew 13:20. Men det, som blev sået på Stengrund, er den, som hører ordet og straks modtager det med Glæde.
21. Men han har ikke Rod i sig og holder kun ud til en Tid; men når der kommer Trængsel eller Forfølgelse for ordets skyld, forarges han straks.

Mattæus 24:14. Og dette rigets Evangelium skal prædikes i hele Verden til et Vidnesbyrd for alle folkeslagene; og da skal enden komme.
15. Når I da se Ødelæggelsens  Vederstyggelighed, hvorom der er talt ved Profeten Daniel, stå på hellig Grund, (den, som læser det, han give Agt!)
16. da skulle de, som er i Judæa, fly ud på Bjergene;
17. den, som er på Taget, stige ikke ned for at hente, hvad der er i hans hus;
18. og den, som er på Marken, vende ikke tilbage før at hente sine Klæder!
19. Men ve de frugtsommelige og dem, som give Die, i de dage!
20. Og beder om, at eders Flugt ikke skal ske om Vinteren, ej heller på en Sabbat;
21. thi der skal da være en Trængsel så stor, som der ikke har været fra Verdens Begyndelse indtil nu og heller ikke skal komme.
22. Og dersom disse dage ikke blev afkortede, da blev intet Kød frelst; men for de udvalgtes skyld skulle disse dage afkortes.
23. Dersom nogen da siger til eder: Se, her er Kristus, eller der! da skulle I ikke tro det.

The Last Tribulation:

Then as I watched, darkness covered the face of the earth, and demon forces were everywhere. Countless evil spirits had been loosed from their prison and spilled forth onto the earth. I heard the Lord say, "Woe to the inhabitants of the earth, for Satan has come to dwell among you."

I saw an angry beast, and he poured out his venom upon all the earth. Hell shook in its fury, and from a bottomless pit came swarming hordes of evil creatures to blacken the earth with their vast numbers. Men and women ran crying into the hills, the caves and the mountains. And there were wars upon the earth, and famine and death.

Zefanias 1: 14. Nær er Herrens dag, den store, den er nær og kommer hastigt. Hør, Herrens dag, den bitre! Da udstøder Helten Skrig.
15. Den dag er en Vredens dag, en Trængselens og Nødens dag, en Ødelæggelsens og Ødets dag, en Mørkets og Mulmets dag, en Skyernes og Tågens dag,
16. en hornets og Krigsskrigets dag imod de faste Stæder og imod de knejsende Tinder.
17. Over menneskene bringer jeg Trængsel; som blinde vanker de om, fordi de synded mod Herren. Deres Blod øses ud som Støv, deres Livssaft ligesom skarn.
18. Hverken deres sølv eller guld evner at frelse dem på Herrens Vredes dag, når hele jorden fortæres af hans Nidkærheds Ild; thi Undergang, ja brat Tilintetgørelse bringer jeg over alle, som bor på jorden.

How long?  O how long? O Lord? Psalm 10:1

5 Mosebog 16: 3. Du må ikke spise syret brød dertil. I syv dage skal du spise usyret brød dertil, Trængselsbrød thi i største Hast drog du ud af Ægypten for at du kan ihukomme den dag, du drog ud af Ægypten, så længe du lever.

Job 5: 17. Held den Mand, som revses at Gud; ringeagt ej den Almægtiges Tugt!
18. Thi han sårer, og han forbinder, han slår, og hans Hænder læger.
19. Seks Gange redder han dig i Trængsel, syv går ulykken uden om dig;
20. han frier dig fra døden i hungersnød, i Krig fra Sværdets Vold;
21. du er gemt for Tungens Svøbe, har intet at frygte, når Voldsdåd kommer;
22. du ler ad Voldsdåd og hungersnød og frygter ej jordens ville dyr;
23. du har Pagt med Markens Sten, har fred med Markens Vilddyr;
24. du kender at have dit Telt i Fred, du mønstrer din Bolig, og intet fattes;
Job 36: 16. Men dig har Medgangen lokket, du var i fred for ulykkens Gab; ingen Trængsel indjog dig Skræk, fuldt var dit bord af fede Retter.
Job 38:
22. Har du været, hvor Sneen gemmes, og skuet, hvor Hagelen vogtes,
23. den, jeg gemmer til Trængselens Tid, til Kampens og Krigens dag?
24. Hvor er Vejen did, hvor lyset deler sig, hvor Østenvinden spreder sig ud over jorden?
25. Hvem åbnede Regnen en Rende og Tordenens Lyn en Vej
26. for at væde folketomt land, Ørkenen, hvor ingen bor,
27. for at kvæge Øde og Ødemark og fremkalde urter i Ørkenen?

28. Har Regnen mon en Fader, hvem avlede Duggens Dråber?
Salme 20
2. På trængselens dag bønhøre Herren dig, værne dig Jakobs Guds Navn!
3. Han sende dig Hjælp fra Helligdommen, fra Zion styrke han dig;
Salme 54
8. Herrens Engel slår Lejr om dem, der frygter ham, og frier dem.

Proverbs 25:19 Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint.
25:20 As he that taketh away a garment in cold weather, and as vinegar upon nitre, so is he that singeth songs to an heavy (should be: “an evil heart”) heart.
25:21 If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink:
25:22 For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the Lord shall reward thee.
25:23 The north wind driveth away rain: so doth an angry countenance a backbiting tongue.

The coming of Christ:

At last I saw horses of fire and chariots in the heavens. The earth trembled, and the sun turned red like blood. And an angel said, "Hear, 0 earth, the King is coming!"

And there appeared in the sky the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and with Him were the saints of all ages, clad in purest white. And I remembered that every eye shall behold Him and every knee shall bow before Him.

Then the angels put in their sickles and harvested the ripened grain-which is the end of the world.

Jesus said, "Repent and be saved, for the kingdom of God is at hand. My will and My Word will be performed. Prepare the way of the Lord."

And I thought, We must love one another. We must be firm in the truth and correct our children in the light of the soon coming of Christ. For surely the King is coming!


16. - and the death in Christ will rise first. 17. - . After that, we who are still alive and are left will be cought up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18;

27. at that time they will se the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Luke 21:27;

26. Be not ashamed of Jesus or of His words. 27. Some will see the Kingdom of God even without tasting the death. It is the truth. Luke 9:26-27;

7. Look, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced Him; and all the people of the earth will mourn because of Him. So shall it bee! Amen. Revelation 1:7;

10. The same Jesus, - , will come back in the same way you have seen Him go in to heaven  Acts 1:9-11;

30. -. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds. – 31. -. And the angles will gather his elect from the four winds -  Matthew 24:30-31;






After reading countless messages and articles that attack the pre-trib rapture, I've noticed a certain number of arguments that are repeatedly sent to me.

Instead of trying to answer every individual e-mail I receive, I thought it would be a good idea to create a web page that addresses the most commonly mentioned points of debate. This way, I can avoid repeating myself so many times; thereby, maintain my sanity.

Nowhere in the Bible, can you find the word "rapture"

It amazes me that some folks write to me, questioning the validity of the rapture, simply because the word "rapture" doesn't appear in the Bible.

With 1 Thes 4:16-18 giving us such a clear description of the rapture, you would have to conclude that some people are just playing games with the Word of God. I could change the name of my site to “Catching Up Ready” to satisfy these folks, but I hardly think that would improve things.

Their logic fails because there are a huge number of words that don't appear in the Bible, including the word "Bible." Because God's Word was originally written in Hebrew and Greek, one could truthfully say that no English words are in the Bible.

1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
4:18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

 Let's take a look at 1 Thes 4:16-18 in the original Greek:

4:16 oti autos o kurios en keleusmati en fwnh arcaggelou kai en salpiggi qeou katabhsetai ap ouranou kai oi nekroi en cristw anasthsontai prwton
4:17 epeita hmeis oi zwntes oi perileipomenoi ama sun autois arpaghsomeqa en nefelais eis apanthsin tou kuriou eis aera kai outws pantote sun kuriw esomeqa
4:18 wste parakaleite allhlous en tois logois toutois

4:17 ON-THEREAFTER WE THE LIVING THE ones-survivING SIMULTANIOUS TOGETHER to-them SHALL-BE-BEING-SNATCHED IN CLOUDS INTO meeting OF-THE Master INTO AIR AND thus always TOGETHER to-Master WE-SHALL-BE (SHALL-BE-BEING-SNATCHED VERB 2 Future Passive Indefinite 1 Pluralist - means: Shall-be-being)
4:18 AS-BESIDES BE-YE-BESIDE-CALLING one-another IN THE sayings these

I don't see the dead in Christ rising, Jesus descending from heaven, and us meeting Him in the air. So the cynics are right: the word "rapture" is nowhere to be found. All I see is gobbledygook.

For the record, the word "rapture" comes from the Latin word "rapturo," which in turn was a translation of the Greek verb "caught up" found in 1 Thes 4:17. You can call it the pre-trib rapture, the pre-trib rapturo, or the pre-trib caught up--it's all the same thing.

Nowhere in the Bible does it directly say that the Church will be raptured before the tribulation.

Pre-trib opponents should have thought this one through because any pre-tribulationist has the same right to say, "Nowhere in the Bible does it directly say the Church will go through the tribulation."

Jesus did say, "Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh" (Matthew 24:44). The only time frame I can think of when we believers would not be expecting Jesus to return would have to be before the tribulation.

The Margaret MacDonald Origin

One of the most widely circulated attacks against the pre-trib rapture is the notion that a girl named Margaret MacDonald started this theological view back in 1830. The claim is typically made that MacDonald received a demonic vision, passed it on to John Darby, who in turn popularized it. Disproving this assertion proves rather easy. Pre-trib scholars have discovered a host of rapture writings that predate Margaret MacDonald.

Epharaem the Syrian said, in 373 AD, "For all the saints and Elect of God are gathered, prior to the tribulation that is to come, and are taken to the Lord lest they see the confusion that is to overwhelm the world because of our sins."

One post-trib author offered a reward to anyone who could find a quote that predated MacDonald. He had to quickly cough up the money when someone identified a scholar who wrote about the pre-trib rapture several years before MacDonald. As of late, dozens of examples have been found, and the literary surface has hardly been scratched.

With the revealing of all these pre-MacDonald writings, you would think that this argument has been debunked. Unfortunately, this is not the case. We seem to be involved in a tug-of-war with the truth. Apparently, due to their lack of research, pre-trib opponents continue to pump out publications that cite MacDonald as the originator of the pre-trib rapture.

The Last Trumpet Argument

Because Paul, in 1 Cor. 15:52 and 1 Thes 4:16, said believers would be raptured at the sounding of a trump, many folks have tried to make it appear that the rapture trumps are the same trumpets found in Revelation 11:15-18, Joel 2:1, and Mat 24:31--which all occur during the tribulation.

When you have trumpets commonly used throughout the Bible, I think it's foolish to just assume any two of the 62 trumps or trumpets are prophetically related. To be able to make the claim that the tribulation trumpet soundings are the same as the rapture trumps, you would need a direct statement saying this is the case.

In the movies Ben-Hur and The Wizard of Oz, I recall hearing the sounding of trumpets. Are both these trumpets somehow prophetically related?

If your friend John said he went to his favorite restaurant last night, and another friend Larry said he also went to his favorite restaurant last night, is it logical for you to assume they both went to the same restaurant? Obviously not, because even though John and Larry went to their favorite restaurants, they may have had two different eating establishments in mind. The same logic should apply with the word trumpet.

With such a blind devotion to this one similarity, I have to wonder if these last-tumpeters are able to distinguish the difference between Tylenol and Exlax. They're both over-the-counter drugs, they come in pill form, and they can also be found in a medicine cabinet. Of course, one will make your headache disappear and the other will make your toilet paper disappear.

Pre-wrath proponents say that the Seventh Trumpet blown in Rev 11:15-18 is the same last trump Paul spoke of in 1 Cor 15:52. However, they fail to take into account the fact that John wrote Revelation 40 years after Paul wrote his first epistle to the Corinthians. How could Paul refer to something that was not yet revealed?

Post-tribbers use a trumpet sounding in Joel 2:1 as evidence for a post-trib rapture on the Day of the Lord. I have three problems with Joel 2:1:

1. Joel clearly says that the purpose for blowing the trumpet is to "sound an alarm."

2. According to 1 Cor 15:52, the rapture is something that occurs in the twinkling of an eye. Joel 2:1 says the Day of the Lord is nigh at hand. In order for Joel's trumpet to be the same one in 1 Cor. there would have to be a time delay between the sounding of the trumpet and the rapture of the Church.

3. The fact that there is another trumpet being sounded in Joel 2:15 further clouds the possibility that these trumpets could have anything to do with the rapture.

When Paul was writing to the Corinthians, he specifically said "the" last trump. During the Feast of Trumpets, the Jews blow short trumpet blasts. They end the feast with a long blast from what is called the last trump, which is blown the longest. Judaism has traditionally connected this last trump with the resurrection of the dead. Paul also made the connection. For many Christians, the association between the rapture and the Feast of Trumpets is so strong, they look for the rapture to someday occur on this feast.

The Day of the Lord Argument

A number people have attempted to refute the pre-trib rapture by trying to associate the "Day of the Lord" with a catching-up of believers at the end of the tribulation. They base their rapture views solely on the idea that the "Day of the Lord" and the rapture are either synonymous or somehow linked together.

The Achilles heel of their argument has to be the notion that the "Day of the Lord" and various other "days" of an end-time context refers to a 24 hour period that occurs at or near the end of the tribulation. Probably the most commonly cited verse is 1 Thessalonians 5:2 where Paul tells us the "Day of the Lord" will come "as a thief in the night."

I've read countless articles that describe the "Day of the Lord" as Christ's advent at Armageddon. These articles go on to say that, because Paul also tells us the Lord will come "as a thief," we have a direct link to the same description that is applied to noted rapture verses.

It's rather obvious that those trying to rely on the "Day of the Lord" never bothered to validate the meaning of this particular day. I've checked a number of commentaries on the "Day of the Lord" and many of them define this as being an all-encompassing period that begins with the Great Tribulation. Let's examine some verses that clearly indicate that the term "day" is used to represent a broader time period.

II Peter 3:10-13
The "Day of the Lord" Peter spoke of in second Peter, cannot be a one day event because it mentions the destruction of the earth by fire and its renovation.
Rev 21:11 tells us the earth will not be renewed until after Christ's 1000 year reign.

Joel 2:11-20
The "Day of the Lord" Joel describes, includes the defeat of the northern army. Ezk. 38 and 39 is parallel passage. Most scholars would time the destruction of the Gog army as occurring before in the first half of the tribulation.

John 12:48
In the book of John, Jesus uses the term "last day" to indicate when the lost would be judged. Rev 20 makes it clear that the unsaved will not be judged until after the millennium--yet another 1000 year gap.

Hebrews 10:25
One of the best indications that most of the various “day” references are citing a general time period can be found in Hebrews 10:25: "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

Surely, Paul would not be warning us to watch for a day that would be coming at the end of the tribulation. That type of logic would be like warning children, as they cross the road, to watch out for tail lights.

The First Resurrection

I've heard some folks say, "There cannot be a pre-trib rapture because to have one would require a second resurrection at Christ's return to earth." This conclusion is drawn from Revelation 20:

"But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years" (Rev 20:5-6).

One pre-trib writer, explaining this passage, said, "The first did not mean first in time, but rather first in kind." The first resurrection was for God's people the second will be for the unsaved.

A quick way to shoot down the notion that the first resurrection is tied to a specific date, as opposed to a more general time frame, is to take note of the tribulation rapture of the two witnesses and the 144,000 Jewish evangelists. At the mid-point of the tribulation, the two witnesses are killed by the Antichrist, resurrected by God, and then caught up into heaven (Rev 11:3-12).

Revelation chapter 7 describes the sealing of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists just before the Beast issues his mark. Sometime during the latter half of the tribulation, Revelation chapter 14 indicates they will be "redeemed from the earth," standing before the throne of God.

Confusion over Confusion: 2 Thes 2:1-6

Because Paul, in 2 Thessalonians, said the Antichrist would be revealed before the Day of the Christ, post and pre-wrath adherents frequently try to cite this passage as one that refutes the pre-trib rapture.

To quell the Thessalonian's misunderstanding that they had somehow entered the tribulation, Paul told them the Antichrist must first be revealed. By telling them they had no reason to panic, Paul is clearly disputing the idea that the Thessalonians could someday find themselves facing the tribulation hour.

I'm constantly being irked by Post-trib and pre-wrath folks' consistent, or better yet deliberate, failure to accept the simple fact that the pre-trib doctrine calls for a rapture and a second coming. Because they only glean the prophetic word for one event--the second coming--they're unable to recognize pre-trib rapture passages.

Of course, when you fuse the two advents together, you end up with verses that appear to contradict each other: 1 Thessalonians 5:9, "For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ," and Revelation 13:7, "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations."

Reverse Logic Stuck In Reverse

Many people are against the pre-trib rapture simply because they see it as being the dominant view on the timing of Christ's return for the Church. The anti-pretribulationists often think they are the last remaining true believers. I'm simply dumbfounded over why some people choose rebellion against the majority view as their guide for finding truth.

The measurement of popularity alone is a terrible way to determine something's validity. It is particularly strange when people solely rely on the contrarian view to judge truth from fiction. I utilize contrarian views all the time to help determine what is truthful; however, it would be a terrible mistake on my part if I made Contrarianism the core foundation of any of my beliefs.

If you're using reverse logic, you need to support your conclusions. The vast majority of the population would agree that apples grow on apple trees and cherries grow on cheery trees. The pure novelty of the opposite being true does not in any way help make it so. Unless you see farmers gluing apples onto cherry trees or picking cherries from apple trees, you have no basis to think that these two fruits do not grow on anything but the trees that share the same name.

Some people are clearly more in love with the idea of a conspiracy than they are the truth. Every time an airplane crashes to the earth there's someone who will proclaim it was caused by anything from an act of terrorism to a bizarre government plot. It's just not exciting enough to say it was a mechanical problem that led to the crash.

The idea that the pre-trib rapture is the dominant view is not correct in the first place. Most evangelicals would say they look for a pre-trib rapture, but if you include all Christians, pretribulationists would rank third behind post-trib and preterist adherents.

Persecute Me Please

You would think the desire to go through the tribulation would be as popular as the desire to jump into a pit filled with vipers and broken glass. As illogical as it may seem, there appears to be a large number of Christians that fully expect to get roughed up before Christ returns.

Many Christians argue strongly for the right to suffer persecution at the hands of the Antichrist and the one world government. These tribulation saint wannabees constantly harp, "Because Jesus and His disciples suffered persecution, we should expect no better." It's been my experience that people with the weakest faith are generally the ones that talk the boldest. When the slightest difficulty comes their way, they cry to high heaven.

I hate to be the bearer of good news, but the word of God clearly states that believers will escape the tribulation bloodbath. "For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thes 5:9). "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth" (Rev 3:10).

In one regard, people who think the Church will go through the tribulation are somewhat correct. I believe there will be a huge number of "carnal Christians" that will find themselves left behind. By having the rapture before the tribulation, all those who find themselves facing the wrath of God will be without an excuse.

No Secret Rapture

"There is no secret rapture" is the beginning declaration of a large percentage of messages that attack the rapture. Rarely is this statement backed by supporting scriptural evidence. A few people will cite Rev 1:17, "every eye shall see him," as proof that the rapture will not be a secret event. Of course, I would immediately note that "every eye shall see him" is the second coming.

I have a hard time understanding how these folks could think pretribulationists preach a secret rapture. We seem to be doing our very best to popularize the rapture before it takes place. I doubt that, afterwards, with all the car wrecks, plane crashes, and missing persons reports, the rapture will remain a secret occurrence.

The only people I know who are attempting to keep the pre-trib rapture a secret are its critics. Pre-wrath and post-trib folks have the national media and the liberal churches as their allies in their ongoing effort to silence all knowledge of the "blessed hope."

No Imminency

Because an imminent or any moment rapture is one of the major teachings of pre-tribulationists, opponents of this view attempt to dismantle the imminency of the rapture.

Although Jesus said, "Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come" (Mat 24:42), advocates for knowing the "day" will claim this only applies to the unsaved. I hear arguments like, "Surely a loving father would tell his own children when he's coming for them."

To try to get around "no man know the hour," a popular scripture often cited is: "But yea brethren, are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief" (1 Thes 5:4).

Despite all their monkeying with scripture, pre-trib detractors just cannot escape Jesus' restriction against knowing the timing of the rapture. In fact, our Lord was so restrictive about the rapture, He said its occurrence would come as a total surprise. "Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh" (Matthew 24:44).

Now as far as the second coming goes, the Bible couldn't be plainer. It clearly states that Jesus will return 1260 days from the moment the Antichrist sits in the Temple of God and declares himself to be God. Because there exists both a known and an unknown date, many scholars have logically concluded that there must be two different events occurring--the rapture and the second coming.

The Restrainer

In 2 Thessalonians the Apostle Paul speaks of a "he" that will restrain the advent of the Antichrist. The restrainer's removal is required before the Antichrist can be revealed.

2 Thessalonians 2:6-8, "And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming."

A debate has erupted over the identity of the Restrainer because if this "he" is the Holy Ghost, the only real explanation for his removal would be the rapture of the Church, which is indwelled by him. The strongest argument offered against the Holy Spirit being the Restrainer is the belief that if God's Spirit was ever removed from the earth, no one could then be saved. The removal of the Holy Ghost does not have to be an all or nothing proposition. I believe his being "taken out of the way" will only be a degree of removal.

Before the Church Age, people were able to find salvation, which obviously meant the Holy Spirit was at work on earth. When the outpouring of the Holy Ghost occurred at Pentecost, we didn't have a second Holy Spirit come to earth. His removal at the rapture will only be a reversal or ending of the Pentecostal outpouring.


Because Revelation places a strong emphasis on Israel during the tribulation, and not on the church, most post-tribulationists have adopted a replacement theology view in order to maintain the focus on them.

Replacementism is the view that Israel, having failed God, has been replaced by the Church. The Church is now seen as spiritual Israel and spiritual Jerusalem. This teaching claims that all the promises and blessings, in fact Israel's entire inheritance, now belongs to the Church. However, all is not lost for Israel; it gets to keep all the curses.

Dispensational theology, taught by nearly all pre-tribulationists, teaches that God has separate strategies for dealing with the Church and the Jews. When you consider the change in focus, during the tribulation, from the Church to Israel, the pre-trib rapture provides a good explanation for this transfer of attention.

To say that Israel is no longer God's chosen people is really playing with fire because the Antichrist will likely be saying the same thing when he tries to destroy the Jews during the tribulation. I look for people that hold to replacementism to be in the cheering section when the Beast goes on his Jew-killing campaign. "The Lord will not reject his people; he will never forsake his inheritance" (Psalm 94:14).

"This is what the Lord says, he who appoints the sun to shine by day, who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar - the Lord Almighty is his name: 'Only if these decrees vanish from my sight,' declares the Lord, 'will the descendants of Israel ever cease to be a nation before me'" (Jeremiah 31:35-36).

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Ps! Vi må lære af det. Uffe Elleman Muhammedtegningerne.


Åb 22: 17. Og Ånden og Bruden sige: Kom! Og den, som hører, sige: Kom! Og den, som tørster, han komme; den, som vil, han modtage Livets Vand uforskyldt!

1. Da skal Himmeriges Rige lignes ved ti Jomfruer, som toge deres Lamper og gik Brudgommen i Møde.
2. Men fem af dem vare Dårer, og fem kloge.
3. Dårerne toge nemlig deres Lamper, men toge ikke Olie med sig.
4. Men de kloge toge Olie i deres Kar tillige med deres Lamper.
5. Og da Brudgommen tøvede, slumrede de alle ind og sov.
6. Men ved Midnat lød der et Råb: Se, Brudgommen kommer, går ham i Møde!
7. Da vågnede alle Jomfruerne og gjorde deres Lamper i Stand.
8. Men Dårerne sagde til de kloge: Giver os af eders Olie; thi vore Lamper slukkes.
9. Men de kloge svarede og sagde: Der ville vist ikke blive nok til os og til eder; går hellere hen til Købmændene og køber til eder selv!
10. Men medens de gik bort for at købe, kom Brudgommen, og de, som vare rede, gik ind med ham til Brylluppet; og Døren blev lukket.
11. Men senere komme også de andre Jomfruer og sige: Herre, Herre, luk op for os!
12. Men han svarede og sagde: Sandelig, siger jeg eder, jeg kender eder ikke.
13. Våger derfor, thi I vide ikke dagen, ej heller Timen.



The Rapture in me, God, with repercussion, here I come, I return.


Rick’s Rapture code + extra terms:

Main term(skip: + 3659) : “Rapture/excitement/ecstasy”

In/by the simulant/dummy/fake of 2006” (yellow squares)


“You will beat/hit/defeat in the enemy”

The «Rapture» of the Church:

«The gift/present is in the rapture/abduction (and it/He will frighten (reversed) )…»

“...Of the Church

“When you have taken the children of Israel out of Egypt” (yellow squares)

“For all the diaspora of Juda who is in Babylon” (in purple box)

«Day (reverse) of the desolation (thin red shape), the rapture/abduction...

“...Of the Church” (yellow squares)

“And David fled, and escaped that night” (thin blue shape)

«Dreadful, the rapture/abduction of the Church is a sign

“He/it will give birth as sign for me...” (thin green circles)

“In the day of His wrath...” (thin blue shape)


«Celeste: the rapture/abduction»

“And in that day His feet will be on the Mont of Olives...” (yellow squares)


«For the living/alive the rapture/abduction of God»

“The night” (thin blue shape)

“Word of God” (thin red shape)

Babylon is fallen” (thin green shape)

«The rapture/abduction, we shall bring nearer/closer/approach

Passages from the Bible possibly referring to the “rapture/abduction” :

1 Thessalonicians 4:15 : “For this we say to you in the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and left remaining until the coming of the Lord shall not precede those who have fallen asleep.

16 For the Lord Himself will descend from Heaven with a shout of command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God; and the dead in Messiah shall rise first.

17 Then we who are alive and left remaining shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord.

18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.”

1 Thessalonicians 5:1 : “Now as to the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need of my writing to you.

2 For you yourselves know with exactness that the Day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night.

3While they are saying, "Peace and security " then perdition will come upon them suddenly like birth pains upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

4But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day should catch you like a thief...”

Matthew 24:37 : "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noach.

38 "For just as in those days which were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noach entered the ark,

39 "and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away by violence; so shall the coming of the Son of Man be.

40 "Then there shall be two men in the field; one will be taken alongside, and one will be left alone.

41 "Two women will be grinding at the mill, one will be taken alongside, and one will be left alone.

42 "Therefore keep watch, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.

43 "But know this, that if the housemaster had known in what watch of the night the thief was coming, he would have been on the watch and would not have allowed his house to have been broken into.

44 "Therefore you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.”

Other ones, less clear though :

Matthew 24:15 : "Therefore when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION which was spoken of through Dani'el the prophet, standing in the Holy Place -- let the reader understand --

16 "then let those who are in Yehudah escape to the mountains;

17 "let him who is on the housetop not go down to take things that are in his house;

18 "and let him who is in the field not turn back to get his garment.

19 "But woe to those who are with child and to those who nurse in those days!

20 "But pray that your flight may not be in the winter, neither on a Shabbat


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This article is about the Christian raising up of the faithful. For other meanings, see below.

In some variants of Christian eschatology, the rapture is the literal raising up of the faithful believers before the last days.

Supporters of this doctrine are most commonly found among fundamentalist and conservative Protestants, especially in the United States. Some other Christian groups disagree with such interpretations of the Bible.

According to this belief, believers will suddenly disappear from Earth in the "twinkling of an eye", while all others will be left behind to endure the tribulation. In some Christian circles this is known as a pre-trib doctrine, because the rapture rescues the faithful from Earth before the tribulation, rather than after, as some other Christians believe. The resurrection of the dead will occur at the same time. Almost all Christians believe that believers will be taken up to heaven, but the essence of the term "rapture" is that in some way non believers will be left behind for at least some period of time before the world finally ends, and this teaching revolves around the scripture passage in the gospels which says (a paraphrase) "a brother will be taken, and a father left, a sister etc.", as well as a passage from Paul's First Epistle to the Thessalonians talking about believers "meeting Christ in the air". These verses were not really paid much attention to before the Protestant reformation, and consequently most Christian denominations who have beliefs concerning a rapture are those that appeared after the reformation.

Supporters for this belief generally cite three primary sources in the New Testament :

Generally, an elaborate set of predictions about the end times are constructed from these sets of verses, together with various interpretations of the Book of Revelation and the predictions of Christ's return in Matthew 24:30-36. In general, believers in the rapture consider the present to be the end times, and offer interpretations of the various symbolisms in the book of Revelation in terms of contemporary world events. They believe that, because of the presumed imminence of the end of the world, they have a unique ability to correctly understand these symbols, which had seemed so cryptic to Christians in earlier times.

Criticism of the rapture are usually based on the idea that it is a relatively new theory in the history of Christian belief, and also on the principle that anyone left behind who had knowledge of the theory but didn't believe in Christ would essentially have full proof to be convinced of the necessity of believing and thus everyone left behind would essentially be forced to believe (this would prevent any type of Anti Christ from having any credibility).

Belief in the rapture became popular in some Christian circles during the 1970s, in part thanks to the books of Hal Lindsey, including The Late Great Planet Earth. Many of Lindsey's predictions in that book, which assumed that the rapture was imminent, were based on world conditions at the time. The Cold War figured prominently in their predictions of Armageddon, and other aspects of 1970s global politics were seen as having been predicted in the Bible. Lindsay believed, for example, that the 10-headed beast cited in Revelation was the European Economic Community, which at the time consisted of ten nations.

Many Christians continue to believe in the rapture, with their interpretations of biblical eschatology having been updated to reflect changes in world conditions.

There was a 1991 film starring Mimi Rogers called The Rapture which was about one woman's experience of the rapture.

Rapture is a major component of the premise of the Left Behind books and its various spin-offs. Again these books greatly revived belief in this concept.


The rapture
is going to strike without warning

The rapture is going to happen suddenly.

The rapture is going to be one of the most astonishing events to ever occur.

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Maybe its time to put aside Paul's Letters and Mary Beads and Read The Words of JESUS for yourself.




Why I resigned as Co Host with Sherry Shriner Radio THE LIE OF THE SERPENT SEEDLINE



BIBLE CODE 2010 - 2012 AD



According to Bible Prophecy, we are living at the "Time of The End".

"Thou Daniel, Shut Up The Words and Seal The Prophecy Of This Scroll Until The Time of The End When Travel And Knowledge Have Greatly Increased." (Dan:12:4).


The two, key signs of the "End Times" are The Restoration of Israel as a nation (1948 AD) and The Return of Jerusalem (1967). The Internet is a third sign as "travel and knowlege" have increased a thousand fold including the knowledge of Evil, of the deep things of Satan.


The Lord has called me, Pastor Harry, to show you The Truth about Revelation, Salvation and The Rapture.The Great Tribulation is soon to come upon the world, A Second Holocaust on a Global scale.

The Bible warns us that "Judgment begins with the Household of God", with the Churches, and The Falsehood they teach us such as "Once Saved, Always, Saved", and "Name It, Claim It" doctrines that permeate Christian Television, Radio and Books.



Millions of Believers today are led astray by The Twisted, ONE Rapture Theology of the Christian "elite" such as Hal Lindsay, Pat Robertson, TBN John Haggee, Charles Stanley, Jack Van Impe and the "Left Behind" Books of Tim La Haye.









Benny Hinn raised $25 MM million dollars $$$ for an orphanage that he trashed all plans to build.

Why doesnt BENNY HINN go to Sri Lanka or Thailand and build this Orphanage?
in light of the Dec 26 Tsunami Disaster and the tens of thousands of Orphaned Children?
The same can be asked about The Mega Christian Ministries of Pat Robertson (700 Club), Kenneth Copeland and TBN Preachers, Billy Graham and The Vatican?














